anyone down to report the plagarism to stanford?

You're supposed to click "view the rest of the comments →" on archives to see an entire thread instead of just a comment, ugh. The snapshot of the video proves she shared her essays online and claimed they were hers. She sent them to ivy leagues according to her blog, see here: Then as you can see from quotes on the doc, she lied and said she didn't submit them to ivy leagues. These are some of her deleted comments retrieved from a program: “I never submitted this to colleges” lied she didn't submit it “That’s not even the essay in question nor was it ever submitted to Stanford in my application. This essay has falsely been misconstrued as the college essay I submitted in my application which is simply not the case.” lied that someone else faked her essay when it was clearly published on her blog as you can see in the archive. "Stanford got a report about that essay being plagiarized, and so they investigated that essay as well as the actual one I submitted. Both were found innocent." lied stanford investigated both essays.. why would stanford investigate an essay that wasn't submitted?

/r/ApplyingToCollege Thread Parent