Anyone have the drop tables for Draco, Hieracon and Triton?

It doesn't jell with your comment cause you mention nothing on the next full rotation of rewards.

...the next full rotation is entirely irrelevant; I give rotations A, B, & C; I could have listed the rewards in the order C A B & whilst it would be unorthodox provided I actually matched the rewards to teh name of the roation which order i list the rotations is irrelevant; I left it for people to understand that rotation B & C are always every 3/4 & 4/4 of a rotation etc.

Which actually ties into something else you've said:

Each full rotation of rewards goes, ABC getting keys on C. Then double A with keys on C. ABC/AABC or 3/4.

You imply the first rotation is shorter, & according to Tennodrops the order is AABC, they don't list any exceptions.

So yeah I swapped B & C rotation; time to go fix the wiki apparently.

I'm still utterly confused by your writing style I mean ffs:

then 4 and another 4. So the rotation goes 3/4/4/4/4/4...

what are 3 & 4 here referring to I mean immediately before that:

you get tower keys in heircon and triton on rotation 3

So is 3 meant to refer to the third part of a rotation ie rotation B or to the 3rd of the different reward pool ie rotation C; either assumption falls apart because if your "3" = either B or C then "4" doesn't make sense with that many repetitions, so assumable this is actually about the first full cycle only being ABC whilst all the ones after it are AABC

But how the fuck is that relevant to B & C being mixed up

it wasn't.

Terribly unclear, furthermore from that site:


In the table you will see “Rotation: A, B, C” This refers to which periodic interval those rewards will be granted during survival, defense & interception missions.
In survival, this interval is every 5 minutes and each rotation ends when you get the item reward that pops up on the screen.
In Interception, this interval is every round and each rotation ends when you opt to continue or leave.
In Defense, this interval is every 5 waves and each rotation ends when you opt to continue or leave.

However, it is not as straight forward as it might appear. A, B, C rotations can be rather confusing in the order they are granted.

Rotation A
Rotation A (again)
Rotation B
Rotation C
Then repeat the entire cycle from start A, A, B, C… A, A, B, C… etc.
For example, if you are trying to get an item from Survival Rotation C you need to stay at least 4 rotations (20 minutes). Then you only get another chance at the Survival Rotation C items again at rotation 8, 12, 16, etc (40 minute, 60 minute, 80 minute, etc).

Where in the hell do they say the first cycle is ABC, whereas all consecutive ones are AABC etc.

So yeah whilst wikis' are chronically unreliable, this doesn't seem to be any clearer...

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