Anyone else look back and cringe at themselves?

Oh my god. ALL THE TIME! More so about the things I’ve said. Like some conversations or things I’ve said/done, I can’t even play all the way through. I more so laugh about it now though. But I definitely still care about him. And sometimes if we’re talking, I can still get rather chaser-y. But I can also snap out of it pretty quick and it doesn’t affect me like it use to.

One thing I realized is that the term “breadcrumbs” is 100% based on perception. When i was only wanting for things to work out in only one way, it was easier for me to make him the bad guy Bc he wouldn’t be or do exactly what I wanted. Now I’m just kinda up for whatevs.

I’d love for him and I to be able to start over for obvious reasons. But if I happen to meet someone I’m interested then I won’t pass up that opportunity.

/r/twinflames Thread