Anyone else disappointed by horror lately?

As a massive horror fan for most of my life, I️ honestly believe if you are balls deep in horror for a long time and judging how good a product is by how much it scares you, you’re doing it wrong. Horror movies do not scare me anymore, period. They just don’t. If you watch too many it’s bound to happen. Instead I️ look for eerie, creepy, unsettling atmosphere and great cinematography and costumes and writing and all that.

There’s an art to creating a good horror movie that goes beyond it being able to scare (although that is a massive factor, don’t get me wrong). With that view in mind, I️ think a lot of horror recently has been pretty damn good honestly, with The Witch even being one of my favorite horror movies ever. Sorry for rambling, your post just seemed a good place to put my thoughts.

/r/horror Thread