Anyone else feel Dick has been mostly OOC since Grayson started?

Dick has been a little "all over the place" with women in the past.

During the Chuck Dixon run he pretty much starts a relationship with Clancy, then starts making out with Huntress left and right (including inside a pipe in the middle of a fight, so he has a history of weirdly timed kissing). He kinda breaks up with Huntress, continues dating Clancy, then rekindles things with Barbara, and then makes out with Clancy literally seconds before he breaks up with her.

So for a major portion of the Dixon run, Dick was juggling three different women at once. I've always felt like this was a big part of Dick's character, maybe one of his biggest flaws. He wants to commit to somebody and be monogamous, but he falls in love very easily and ends up letting everyone down because he doesn't know what he really wants.

It's even reflected in the way fans talk about him. A lot of people strongly feel like Dick and Babs belong together, like Barbara is his one true love. But then other people are convinced that Dick should be with Kori, and that's the best relationship for him. I think the same thing happens in Dick's head. He wants to settle down and be with one person, but he has multiple "one persons" to choose from and he can't make his mind up. I don't think that's the same as womanising, I think it's indecision and to an extent, fear. That's part of his character.

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