Anyone else feel like ST:Disco is too much like Game of Thrones? Meaning you are really excited to watch it once, but probably never again?

Yes and no.

Old Trek episodes were easier to rewatch as and when they popped up given that they were mostly self-contained.

On the other hand GoT is a single long story arc, there really isn't much you can separate into their constituent episodes making to just rewatch a single one without understanding that episode in the context of the season.

DIS I think takes a middle ground approach. While the story is a continuous one I think the segmented story arcs, much like season 4 of Enterprise makes it easier to watch each arc as more of a movie. Mirror-verse arc is 4 episodes and still shorter than a single extended LOTR movie. The Klingon one takes a little longer but there are some standalone eps like the Mudd episode. Will have to wait and see how they handle season 2.

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