Anyone else feel like they took all the advice, tried different things and push themselves and still never was able to find a girl, or the feelings wasn't mutual with the girls they were successful with on a date and inpart never achieve what they set out to do!

Ready for some real advice? There is basically 4 areas that are important, when it comes to attracting women.

  1. Your looks

Hit the gym, dress well, grooming, expensive haircut, good posture, good teeth, a bit tan, eat healthy & get plenty of rest.

  1. Your seduction and social skills

Holding eye contact, passing shit tests, speaking confidently, controlling voice tonality and body language, escalating physically (dont be the guy thats afraid to kiss her by the 2nd date at the latest), story telling skills, controlling where conversation goes and how the date flows (be assertive when its time to change locations etc)

  1. Your Status

Money, Job, interesting hobbies, skills, basically having your shit together.

  1. Your mentality

Confidence, some dominance, non needyness or too available and interested too fast, not being a pushover or doormat with women (treat a woman like a princess and you will be treated like a subject/peasant), being able to lead, competence and taking charge, dont give away your attention, validation and most importantly commitment for free, dont date one woman at a time before commitment (go hunting with a shotgun instead of a sniper rifle)

Work on whatever areas you lack and you will see results. Promise. Plus your life quality and overall well being likely will improve.

/r/datingoverthirty Thread