Anyone else feel like the Twilight Zone when talking to "normal" people about Trump/Russia, Pizzagate, Seth Rich etc...?

The media is the 4th branch of the government. They truly are powerful. They have the power to form and shape mass opinion regardless of facts. This past year is a testament to that. You repeat a lie enough, it will trick everyone in to believing it. Freethinkers and skeptics are the exception. we either don't participate in MSM, take it with a grain of salt, or Participate in it, but form our own opinions. Most humans in the country/world blindly digest what's on tv and take it as literal gospel without a second thought. It's social Psychology. If there's anything I've learned in the last year is that the media is truly a powerful, opinion-swaying entity. I like to debate with people, and time after time, what that's shown me, is that most of these people don't really understand what's truly going on. they've heard what they've heard, and repeat it blindly, without the ability to reciprocate useful, insightful diagooue on the matter. It disintegrates into ad hominem, personal attacks, and patronizing, condescending remarks made to make you feel like a fool for questioning what's being forcefullt spoon fed to you. They read a headline, or hear a latest breaking news story, and anything in conjunction to that is invalid because it "was on tv" -therefore it's infallible. The media is the 4th branch of the government. The new age is upon us.

/r/conspiracy Thread