Anyone else feel this way?

David Icke is a big bullshit artist. He mixes like 20% truth with bullshit and hopes you only focus on the 20%.

Before you get hooked by Icke, watch this video:

I have a supernatural world view and believe in supernatural forces of good and evil. In our world, even believing in objective good and evil is a revolutionary and rebellious act, as the leftists have pushed subjective morality and reality for so long they can't even stand the thought of a person believing in good and evil.

I have long been interested in conspiracy theory types of things and feel that is part of the reason what is going on even makes sense. There is the superficial level of things, the stuff that Fake News pushes, the idea that the republican party and the democrat party are really opposed to one another. Then there is a deeper reality, one where you see that the politicians in both parties are working towards the same goals, that neocons and neoliberals both laugh at the common man when they're behind closed doors, this is where much of the discussion here resides, when we talk about globalism and nationalism, or about the way Fake News manipulates things. Then there is a deeper level even still, one you're talking about, a spiritual battle between good and evil, between individuality and collectivism, between freedom and slavery. That deepest reality is scary and fascinating and confusing and amazing. It's where all the true mysteries live.

If you watch Trump, it's clear he understands that deepest level of things and that is one source of his power. He is able to work in the other layers of reality also, and is a master of them all.

/r/The_Donald Thread