Anyone else from outside of the US fed up of hearing about Bearnie Sanders on here?

As an American I'm very sorry. However, there are good reasons why we won't stop talking about him.

  1. Despite the fact that his poll numbers are surging and he is filling stadiums to capacity for speeches, the media refuses to cover him. The rich do not want him to win and they control the media. His campaign depends on the power of the people and Reddit is probably the most popular user-generated outlet to spread ideas.

  2. People need to be educated about his platform. His opponents (and the media) are spreading misconceptions about him. It is extremely frustrating when people tell you what they want in the next president, you tell them Bernie is easily the best fit for them, and then they fire back with "no way, he's a socialist and Hillary is a woman and women need a win."

  3. Many of us are genuinely excited and optimistic for a Bernie presidency, but we also feel that we are fucked if anyone else wins. The financial and social situations here are really bad, guys. And it literally amazes us that Bernie answers questions and debates like a human being and not a paid spokesperson. You can go back 30 years with this guy...he has never fucked up. He attended MLK's march on Washington 50 years ago and he has patiently fought his way to this point for that long. He really doesn't have anything to hide or explain and that is unheard of for a modern USA politician: he has our trust and we are willing to fight for him.

So sorry, but the Bernie Sanders talk will only increase. This is our best way to campaign at this point. So many of us are passionate about this and we understand that the majority of voters here are apathetic and uninformed to the point that annoying the shit out of people with marketing messages is the only way to get their attention and challenge their views.The only way to get mainstream media involved is by creating enough public demand to discuss Bernie that they cannot ignore it anymore.

/r/AskReddit Thread