Has anyone else here spent alot of time helping others through life issues with emotional support and advice, and genuinely love helping people, only for everyone you've known to just bolt when you're the one suffering?

No, that is a myth, alcohol does not impair your sleep effectiveness, that only applies in situations where your body has little to not tolerance or expectation of processing alcohol. Considering you can legitimately die faster from sleep deprivation than food deprivation, it would mean any given alcoholic would die from sleep deprivation well before they can even progress to a full blown CA, and eventually most surrender sleep quality if they drink LESS, it depends on your body and what your body is equipped to handle. I also don't see how I'm a danger to myself or others, as I know my limit and have neither failed to wake up fine, drink coffee and do my job, much less cause myself health problems or hurt others? But I do appreciate the advice about eating better, BTW, just gotta get on top of getting the right groceries and cooking more

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