Anyone else kinda lonely in college?

Okay listen, I was hella lonely, and then I transferred colleges. At first I was like, there is no way any of my problems will be solved but ALL OF THEM HAVE BEEN SOLVED and a lot of other transfers can confirm AND HERE’S HOW

I know people say this all the time and it sounds like bullshit but JOIN A CLUB. DO IT. 100% best way to meet people and to see them regularly!

Ask random people to get food with you and ACTUALLY SET A DATE AND TIME. I used to sulk because I’d “make plans” with someone and wait for them to hmu but they never would. Hit THEM up. One of you has to do it. They definitely want to. Everyone is lonely. EVERYONE.

Look for the people you like and pursue them, don’t wait for people to like you. Biggest mistake at my old school was trying to fit in with the people in my major even though we clearly had nothing in common (besides the major). Truth was I didn’t particularly like them (not that I disliked them) but I was trying too hard to mesh with people who didn’t share my vibes. Focus on the people who give you good vibes.

/r/college Thread