Anyone else in the NG/Reserves lose their mind? Worst/best weekend warrior stories.

I was active for five years, got out entirely for two years, went back into the reserves after that. I've loved it, got into a CA unit its very individual and small team oriented so I don't have those same commander stressers of "oh my holy fuck I've got 200 door-knob humping retards who can't stay out of trouble for 15 fucking minutes" and that other FORSCOM bullshit.

I look after me and a handful of guys who are pretty competent Soldiers who can handle their shit, and if they can't well I'm only there for a few days so I'll tell SPC/SGT Snuffy to get his shit together and go home. My commander never attempts to bother me outside of drill besides the occasional email of "hey we're doing this during the training meeting, review the slides" but he doesn't ask me to work or check up on Soldiers.

We've gotten into a nice spot where the big command has really pushed clearly ranks and already gotten rid of a few dirtbags so its all well and good, I got my career going, I got a little team, I come in and play Army once a month, its rewarding

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