Anyone else noticed the amount of men not finding relationships worth it anymore?

I'm currently single and it's not so much that I'm against dating and relationships at this point in my life, its that there's a lot of things I want to do before I begin that phase of my life. For example:

  • I still live at my parent's place working my first full time job after my bachelors, mainly because my commute is less than 10 minutes from their place, so it would be stupid to move out right now. Instead, I'm saving up a ton of money, and I should have close to a years worth of rent for a couple of cities I've been looking at by the end of the year. In the meantime, I pay for everything I need (insurance, phone, food, etc), so I'm not at all a burden on my family. In fact, I think we've gotten closer because of it.

I want to know that I can truly do things on my own and I want to spend at least some part of my life living independently (no family, no SO). I want to travel without having to worry about fitting into another person's schedule. I want to go on adventures and have fun with my friends before they all settle down into married life.

  • The other big reason I'm not pursuing a "super serious relationship" right now is my career goals. If everything goes according to plan, I have quite a few years of schooling left to do, and I honestly can't wait to dive into it. You could call it the "good news/bad news" of my field, but I've worked (and working) very hard to get where I'm at now, and I'm honestly insanely excited to take that next step.

Also, the implications of that last paragraph really sum up why I feel like I need to get these things done before I'm ready to settle down: my parents have always advised me to wait until I'm in a good position before starting a family. I remember the poor days growing up, and I would want to avoid/minimize that experience as much as possible when I start having a family of my own.

So yeah, I'm not against dating and relationships right now, it's just that there's some things, big and small, that I want to do first.

/r/AskMen Thread