Is anyone else obsessed? Is it ruining your life?

Most people have said what I thought so I just wanted to say one thing that some people lose sight of. When you die you don’t take it with you. King Tut was buried with all his gold but he was still dead, the same as the poorest peasant of their time. It’s important to save for the future and plan for emergencies etc. but you need to enjoy some of your life as well. Drive to Tahoe and take in the beauty, take a trip and see something you’ve always wanted to. “Money doesn’t have owners, only spenders”. Once your gone it won’t matter how much you have. Do you wanna be 85 with 20 mil in the bank thinking “I wish I would have seen Europe once” or would you rather have 10 mil in the bank thinking “I’m glad In 2022 I flew to X and did X”.

/r/financialindependence Thread