Anyone else realize how weak Yasuo is now?


I played AP Eve jungle against an Elise the other day.

I screwed her over SO hard.

I stealthed in to her jungle and smote her gromp so I was level 2 to her level 1 in her jungle.

I promptly back off and get to safety.

I circle around back to blue buff, wait for her to get low and try to finish her off, sadly she survived but I blew her flash.

I steal her blue while she's away and make my way to her red.

I find her doing it, she gets the red but I get first blood off of her.

Now she's level 2 with no buffs against my first blood + both her buffs and both of mine still up.

I get my jungle upgrade, finish my camps and go find her in the jungle again, she survives but has to back off and I steal her wraiths and golems.

I get a gank off, I'm now 2/0 while Elise is REALLY far behind me.

I build my Luden's Echo together with the Magus upgrade, I'm feeling super strong.

By this time Elise had finished her jungle upgrade and sorc shoes. I fight her and she's close to equal compared to me. She cleared camps super fast compared to me so she was catching up in levels and in CS.

A few moments later I get a large rod and working towards my hat, she has Cinderhulk, Sorc Shoes and Haunting Guise.

Her cocoon -> Q -> W -> Spider -> Q takes me down to 20% instantly and I have to flash.

Shit, she can fight me now.

I find her doing a camp later on and decide to fight her.

I get her down to maybe 70% in the time it takes for her to get me to 10% and I try to run but her E catches me and I die.

So I go from a massive lead to having no lead to being really far behind in terms of strength.

I am completely screwed and I have become worthless.

We get to later parts of the game where I can oneshot their ADC but I'm squishy, Elise can oneshot our bruisers and she's tanky.

Elise right now is a lot stronger than people give her credit for. Sure, she isn't top tier by any means, but she's way better than goddamn Evelynn.

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