Anyone Else Relate to This?

I push myself to learn every detail of my interests, which appears very 5-ish, but the motivation behind it is to reduce the chance that I could be wrong about something which could potentially cause problems or misunderstandings. This is contrasted by a 5 who would likely want to know every detail because they don’t want to look stupid, but not so much because of the fear of potential conflict.

This whole excerpt is pretty interesting to me. I think the best example I can give of my own behavior is that I'm quite fascinated by economics and civil engineering. Generally interested in the management of resources to achieve a desirable end for society at large in this part of my life.

With economics, I can spend - and have spent - countless hours studying them to know the ins-and-outs of various theories and their practical applications to determine which of them is the best based upon the evidence available to us from history, data, and the veritable mountains of other information available to us in this day and age.

Then, when I engage in a discussion about economics with someone, I'll take the time to let them have the floor at first so that I can ensure that I properly understand their ideas and positions before responding. Wanting to make sure that there are no assumptions or misunderstandings so that we can be as productive with the discussion as possible, and will readily admit if I didn't know something or have learned something new.

I tend to try to avoid conflicts in general, but will readily and calmly stand my ground if I can tell the opposition is full of shit. I simply tend to find heated arguments to not be worth the time or energy the vast majority of the time, and anger's purpose is only to put my foot down when I need to get through to someone on a matter.

I will say that I don't relate to the 5's minimization of needs all that much, nor do I relate to the attachment triad in general that 9's are a part of (even if I have been typed as an sp-dom time after time) because I'm practically asocial. I'm not shy or socially anxious in any way, just generally have a complete lack of interest in other people and only want to live in isolation to indulge in whatever I want to on a given day. Nothing more.

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