anyone else’s asian parent not teach them much about their culture?

you bring up some really good points, i’m reconnecting with my filipino roots out of interest and wanting to decolonize

its hard to not see things in such a racialized lens having grown up in america, and i do feel the most liberated when i don’t have to see things this way (until some idiot inevitably brings it up). i’m progressive and agree that there tends to be a lot of harmful “black and white thinking” and lack of nuance within progressive circles (albeit i’ll take liberal racism over conservative hate any day)

i love the idea of self medicating and tripping and hear anecdotes of how it works for others. i mention in my op that i schizo runs in my family and hear how psychedelics can trigger permanent schizophrenia (whether that’s true or not i don’t wanna fw it)

/r/hapas Thread Parent