Anyone else think SCOTUS lead with RvW as a controversial smoke screen for destroying rights more broadly?

If Americans do nothing we are all fucked. Voting rights will be nill, women will be jailed for miscarriages on a massive scale, and many, many, women will die. Rape and violence will escalate against women. The right will continue with great wage theft, cost of living continue to skyrocket and break us. y to go to prison. If you have a shit lawyer it's just too expensive to retry and ya just go to jail if even there is no evidence you committed a crime. Then came Roe V Wade which is already making it so women are just incubators who can't get proper life-saving medical care or even medications at this point because we are now just incubators. Then it was the overturning of the EPA. Next contraceptives, LGBTQ rights, and VOTING rights will be gutted. This is why we need to all unite and stand together and fight back with a MASSIVE strike.

If Americans do nothing we are all fucked. Voting rights will be nill, women will be jailed for miscarriages on a massive scale, and many, many, women will die. Rape, and violence will escalate against women. The rich will continue with greater wage theft, cost of living continue to skyrocket and break us, and this will destroy our environment on a greater scale.

/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy Thread