Anyone else stuck in a stream of expensive spending on others

I’m just at a loss because there will always be more weddings, big birthdays, and babies down the road.

Just a little perspective. This specific time does end, it is reciprocal when your life events happen and you'll miss parts of it when it's over.

What I found in my 20's/30's was it was an initial big wave of weddings, followed by multiple waves of babies. It was exhausting. I had one weekend when I was 29 where I attended 2 weddings and a baby shower (with largely the same group of people!) It was expensive my social schedule was packed. However when I was engaged/married, it was reciprocal.

Then later the first small wave of divorces, followed by another wave of babies with a more divorces than weddings over the next 10-15 years.

Babies/Weddings just started again for the children of our friends and family.

/r/MoneyDiariesACTIVE Thread