anyone else the "ugly friend"? If so, how do you deal with it?

So in High School I had terrible Cystic Acne.

People would make comments on how I need to do better at washing my face even though I had a freaking Chemistry lab I used on it.

Eventually I did Acutane which worked great cept it also dried my skin and for awhile I looked like I was always sun burnt.

Once it cleared up I looked much better.

The hard thing for me was seeing how some people just felt sorry for you about it. Even one of my guy friends one day was just like "When are you going to do something about that"

I had a platonic friendship with a girl and I remember overhearing another girl ask her if she liked me and her response being "eww no its obviously not like that".

Just heart breaking things to hear from people you considered friends.

I learned to emphasize with people over body image quite a bit and always found some way to see someone as attractive because for awhile I had to rationalize that I myself was not very appealing.

Eventually the ugly duckling phase wore off just in time for college but even still when I see someone with bad acne I emphasize and can see past it.

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