Anyone else unable to remember things?

I had to start writing down facts, things that were documented like where we lived, what school I went to, teachers name, neighbors names, where my mother worked & when to finally understand that I had been given some false memories. That certain events could not have happened because we were not living in the place. Photos helped confirm too because of furniture in the background and clothing. Talking to a former neighbor confirmed my mother had a series of serious boyfriends living for months at a time with us, not the occasional dates. Once I had a good factual timeline of my childhood, I could see where certain traumatic events like my fathers death created spaces of time without any memories. And where my mother just made up pure crap and told us later that we only had been living somewhere a month when we did live there over a year. Took me a long time and writing it all out to see truths. My older gc narc sister lied so much for many years about our childhood I could not trust asking extended family about their perspective.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread