Has anyone ever been able to go from absolutely broke to making a comfortable living?

I was a dishwasher when I was 15, dropped out of school and was couch surfing as my dad worked out of the country and my mother and I could never stand to be in the same room. Pretty much bounced from jobs and dealt with substance abuse. Knocked up my girlfriend at seventeen. At 18 I got a trade and worked my butt off, had to face a lot of issues but I was able to buy a house for me and my wife and kid, and advance in my profession to make 75k or so a year. Nowadays work is a little harder to find but we set ourselves up to skate by in the hard times.

Hard times always come, it's easy to just say it, but you just need to just get through them as best as you can, one day at a time. It's a grind and sometimes it feels like you never stop grinding. But it's worth it when you unexpectedly plateau and start enjoying things, thinking clearly and putting some perspective to the previous struggles. All things must pass, so don't give up, never!!

/r/personalfinance Thread