Anyone ever been caught smoking weed by cops or parents? Share your stories

So its around 11pm on a Tuesday night and I get a call from a good friend that he just got back in town, hes been gone for a little while, and he wants to smoke. I jump in my car and go meet up with him and a few buddies at his place. We decided to hotbox my friends car in the adjacent neighborhood, so we ride around this small suburban area until we found a nice little spot with a few cars and dim lighting. We turn off the car, I pull out my bong and I pack the first bowl. We're all relaxing, nobodies driving by, we're playing some tunes and just as we start to blaze a cop rolls around the bend. He hits us with his brights then his spotlight and speeds toward us. Two cops jump out of the vehicle, guns raised, yelling at us. Not just yelling, I mean almost screaming to see our hands. As all of us in the car start freaking out no idea what's going on, its just weed man, they stopped. Turns out one of the houses we were parked in front of had just reported a burglary and a few blocks away 10 minutes before the report an officer had been assaulted and the dude our direction. So these officers roll around this bend looking for this guy who they think just robbed this house and see three dudes sitting in a car next to it. They said they smelled the weed when they got close to the vehicle and knew it wasnt us, that's when they lowered their weapons and stopped yelling. Before they smelled the weed, they said they were certain we were who they were looking for, since it was late on a tuesday night in a quiet neighborhood we were some of the first people they saw. After a little conversation we laughed if off with the officers, and by that I mean they took all of our weed and equipment. They let us go though, said wrong place, wrong time, but we can't drive since we've been smoking. We make the long trek back to my buddies house, and as we walk up to it the same cops are sitting outside. They issue us tickets saying something along the lines of "our sergeant ordered us to". That sucked.

/r/trees Thread