Anyone ever feel discouraged because you lost weight, gained it back and more, and now have to lose it again?

I'm in that boat. Lost most of my weight from 2018-2020 and for the first time ever was comfortable in my own skin. Then the pandemic happened, and I spiralled mentally from the isolation and just increased anxiety during those years and I started overeating, stress-eating, and just stopped counting calories. I regained almost 20kg of the 40kg I lost. I tried to get back on the horse multiple times over the past year but it feels like a switch in my mind has been permanently flipped.

"What's the point?", I ask myself. "I lose it all once and gained it all back at the flip of a dime? Who's to say the same thing won't happen again?". Pair this unhealthy mindset with a string of shitty jobs which caused me to stress eat to cope and it's not gotten any better.

I think mentally, I'm still scared from the last 3 years and it's seriously hampering my ability to stick to my healthy habits like I once did, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Unfortunately, I don't have the funds to seek professional help to fix my broken mind so I just keep trying and failing to lose the weight with whatever bursts of motivation I get. Lately I've started to walk 10k steps a day and while it's not helping me lose any weight, it's at least helping me create a healthy outlet for my anxiety instead of binge eating so I guess that's good.

I know exactly how you feel, and I wish I could give you some advice on getting back on the horse, but I feel like I'm the last person who should be giving out any advice on that.

/r/loseit Thread