Has anyone ever followed through on the old "if we're both single by age __, we'll marry each other" deals with a friend? If so, how's that going?

TL;DR - Not married yet, but are dating after a bunch of crazy life bullshit. It's been rough, but I'm pretty damn sure he's my future husband. Serendipity.

Not exactly married or anything, BUT!

I became best friends with this guy (I'll call him Jay) through the Internet during MSN days. I was 12, he was 11. He added me one day, because I had "dated" one of his friends (Jude). I didn't even like Jay at first because he just acted like a dumb kid. We kept on talking though, and hit it off, went through the whole "dating" thing (twice I believe, lol). You know, those stupid online relationships you had in middle school that don't actually count as real relationships.

We still stayed friends through it all, and for some reason we made a pact that we'd marry each other at 35 if we were both single still. I'm pretty sure we were always really attracted to each other, even if we didn't admit it or talk about it. He always made it obvious that he liked me and was into me, but I guess I just justified that by thinking he was some crazy, stupid kid in puppy love and that I was in a committed relationship (started my first serious relationship at 16). It didn't really matter/couldn't go anywhere. I also couldn't believe that any guy could like me or be attracted to me, so I just brushed it all off, but always wondered, "What if I could date him now that we aren't really kids anymore?"

We eventually couldn't talk as much growing up, because he lives a crazy life and was always going somewhere and didn't have any kind of way to communicate really except for the rare times through Facebook. We also lived two hours away from each other. At one point, he went completely a-wol for 4 years because he started dating a succubus (Cunt) who didn't let him contact anyone, not even his family. He had deactivated his account and all contact was through her. Well fast forward to 2014, he has gotten out of that relationship because she is an evil psycho who lied about her age, conspired with her mother to basically use Jay as a slave to watch Cunt as she travels cross country to model, she's told him to kill himself, etc.

The only way I found any of this out is because I actually saw him pop up on Facebook one day and I was like, "wtf?" I re-added him when I saw it. (Had deleted him when he was 17 because he owed my sister money, I tried getting it, and he was a dick about it after so much time, so I just didn't even give a shit about him anymore and then he went a-wol, so no need to have a deactivated friend.) We eventually got to talking again, like nothing had happened and no time had passed. At this time I was dating my third boyfriend, but was acting pretty crazy in the dating world. I was looking for something particular and I don't think my boyfriend at the time was fulfilling that need. I ended up being flirty with Jay, without really realizing it until I went through the texts months later. To be fair, I can be pretty naive, and Jay was talking about other girls with me again, so it was just kind of silly banter going on between us. Another instance was when I had broken up with my boyfriend at the time, was talking to Jay about getting some because I was really horny (thought about having a FWB with my first ex), and that's when he hit on me hardcore and talked about cuddling with me. I got really nervous/scared and basically noped the fuck out of that conversation/situatuon. I ended up getting back with that boyfriend I just had (probably a bad decision made by raging hormones).

I'm really connected to Jay, so this time around I was all about being friends again, but one day he totally ditched me because he was on a date. I didn't have anyone to hang with that day in his hometown, and pretty sure we had made plans to hang out, like after the date. Then he tells me when he is done eating, that I should just wait for Jude to come home instead of just hanging with him and his date. Well I told myself that I didn't have to put up with people's shit anymore (I was often a doormat in my teenage years, staying friends with shitty people who didn't care about me.) So, the next few times he tried to hang, I didn't go out of my way to try and do it. He can brush his "best friend of 10 years" off, when I don't even live in his town and he can't always see me, for some pussy that he could literally see every day.

One day we had planned hanging out on a Friday, and I decided I liked playing my Assassin's Creed more than getting ready for a two hour road trip to see this asshole. He pretty much said what he always does, that "I think I'm not fun enough/too lame for you to hang with." It made me feel bad/guilt-tripped and I ended up going. I like the guy, I was just pissed off still and fed up. I planned not to, because he didn't deserve it, but I ended up telling him why I was acting that way (I usually tell him everything.)

From then on, we just grew really close and safe to say we were both really attracted to each other. My problem was, I was getting really close and intimate with Jay but was still in my relationship. I tried telling myself it was just a crush and it'd be over in 2 weeks. Well it's two weeks later, and my feelings just kept getting stronger. So I made the hard decision of breaking up with my current boyfriend (we had a rocky relationship anyways, he had never had a real girlfriend so it was hard to be with him because he didn't understand the hardships a couple can go through and thought everything was supposed to be rainbows and sunshine 24/7.)

This led to me hanging out with Jay more and I pretty much hooked up with him the first chance I got. This is basically how I knew how much I liked him/what he meant to me, because I don't do casual sex outside of a relationship, and even when in one, I won't have sex right away. I have to feel like I love you and I'm ready (I waited a year with my first boyfriend, and about 6 months with my third one.) It just sort of happened between Jay and I, and he asked me out later that night. We've been together ever since (5 months).

I know it isn't a long time, and even this relationship has been rocky and tough. He's been through a lot, and decided to deal by running away for years and doing copious amounts of drugs, which have completely fucked up his way of thinking, behavior, and his life. He's done things to me that aren't very nice and that has stolen my trust and security, and his lifestyle choices don't sit well with me either. I try to understand him though and give him the benefit of the doubt. It's just a matter of time and not letting drugs control his life. Others would tell me I'm crazy and should have left by now, but what can I say? I love the shmuck. And I honestly can see things getting better over time, he actually stopped drinking so much and getting shitty (which always lead to an episode/temper tantrum/turning into a mean asshole.)

I've always had a special place in my heart for him and I guess time and circumstances will never change that.

/r/AskReddit Thread