Anyone feel like there's no middle ground players in arenas?

Well you know cr resets to 0 for every single player at the beginning of each season, riiite?

Also, to better explain your findings: “time” during arena seasons doesn’t matter anymore. It absolutely used to before they nerfed the pvp titles. Now in BfA you can obtain welfare duelist or welfare gladiator in the very first week of the season if you wanted to AND you can equip the title and mount BEFORE the seasons ends, too! Before BfA that has never been allowed to happen. They nerfed the definition of what it took to get Gladiator. It’s at 2400 now and it isn’t even a %based title Like it used to. Even getting duelist now doesn’t COMPARE you to other players- hence why it’s called welfare.

So it very much so makes sense that you’d see lots of high xp players below a 2300cr since they’re probably playing their alts because they’ve already achieved what they wanted or realize that bfa’s pvp ranks don’t mean anything anymore so they don’t even bother to push

/r/worldofpvp Thread