Anyone got any relationship advice for a newly diagnosed 18 year old?

Thank you, this is my first serious romantic relationship and I'm still trying to come to terms with my diagnosis, find the right med combo, and finish school then start college. It's stressful to say the least. I have been ill for 3 years and up until now nothing major was at stake. I have been taking my mental health more seriously and have taken every medication my psyche np has prescribed because for the first time, I can suffer a major consequence if I don't get the illness under control. I am currently having breakthrough symptoms yet again. I am really trying my hardest to manage the illness, but my sleep schedules change often, I am stressed all the time, and I drink way too much caffeine. I keep having breakthrough hypomanic symptoms, but they haven't escalated to full blown mania since I've been on this antipsychotic. I'm afraid she will be on the receiving end of abuse caused by mania and it will end badly.

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