Anyone healed after cold turkey?

That’s exactly it. Eventually your body will get used to the dose that you are on and it will begin to crave more in order to achieve its original effects. Even taken exactly as prescribed.

I have experienced this after spending a few weeks at the same dose. I take diazepam, so the first thing that will happen is that the diazepam “hangover” will diminish. This is the first signal for me, that I am getting into dangerous territory. Then, I begin not to experience the same effects or any effects of the diazepam.

Then, if you remain at that particular dose, you will begin to have withdrawal so that you will have no choice but to up your dose - your brain craves more and more.

This is why benzodiazepines are so bad for longterm. I fucking hate them. It’s the only medication I have taken where I have had tolerance withdrawals. It doesn’t even happen with opioids for me. Not to mention, opioid withdrawal is a walk in the park compared to benzodiazepine withdrawal, for me personally.

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