Anyone here a computer scientist? Interested in your thoughts

I graduated with a computer science degree in May 17, got a job right out of college, and have been working since. The work is fantastic. I work from home on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays (most people in the office do this). I don't get micro-managed, I just report my progress on the task I'm working on (some code fix or feature) every morning. Work/life balance is great, I'm salaried so I don't clock hours. Managers are very flexible, I don't need to report to them about everything. A good example is the other day I left work around 11am to take my dog to the vet, and came back around 1pm. Some days I leave early when I get my work done. When I'm stuck on a problem, I go to a more experienced developer, ask for help. The pay is good. Half of my salary is more than both of my parents make combined (they don't have degrees).. so money-stress has been non existent for me compared to my childhood. The hardest part for me is I don't have clear steps about how to get the work done. It's up to me to learn the technologies, the languages, and the tools. I work for a large corporation, not a hot tech company in Silicon Valley, so the pace is slower. I need to wait for my code to be reviewed, built, deployed, tested, etc. Hmmm. I wear my jeans and t shirt to work. That's all I can think of right now ha. IDK, if you have any questions, I can answer..

/r/simpleliving Thread