Anyone here ever drawn a line?

I’m really not sure what I’m expecting to hear but I certainly don’t want to alienate people who have “stuck back” in some form or another. In many ways that is certainly another form of rewording my question, but alluding much more to some physical violence aspect that I did not intend. Again, I do NOT intend to incite violence, but if even even having this discussion is too touchy then I’ll delete this post. Per you last point, no. I absolutely am NOT trying to undermine people’s experience by implying that they don’t ever talk about successful methods of regaining control. I personally am NOT advising anyone to do anything. Nor do I believe any anecdotes shared here should be taken as advice. I simply want to hear what people have to say, good or bad. If it’s too much to ask to behave like adults then I don’t know what I’m doing here.

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread