Anyone here from South Africa?

I'm an American but my father was born and raised in SA. His family got out of Lithuania just in time, avoiding both Germans and Russians in the process, emigrated to Greece and picked up some Sephardi relations to go nicely with our Ashkenazi heritage. Got out just in time when the community on Rhodes was targeted by the Germans.

My father was born in Johannesburg just after the Holocaust. The family were obliged to fight because of their background quite a bit given that many Afrikaaners at the time were largely in support of Hitler, though not entirely. Family got into the diamond trade and started giving as good as they got, for better or worse.

My father was the first to not go to prison and moved to the US for better opportunities than fighting over diamonds while dodging fascist sympathizers. Got here just in time for the black power movement in the early 70s, which targeted him for being a white man from SA, burned his car, attacked my mother, and tried to have my father thrown out of school. Can't win sometimes.

But overall the US has been good to us and I hope to visit SA at some point and meet some relatives. I have a strong interest in the history of our people in SA and Rhodesia, but of course much of the tribe has moved on just as my father did but the remainder is very observant and I think I could learn quite a bit there.

/r/Judaism Thread