Anyone saying Wade and James should have said something in previous trials or before MJ died

I’ve had a tough time replying with this for a few days and mostly because it’s been a tough time and I wondered what your reaction would be if you met me in person.

Would meeting me in person cause you to doubt me too, I have run from that feeling of helplessness my whole life. I never wanted to be seen as a victim, I never cry in public (or around even the people closest to me), I never show weakness quite the opposite I am everyone’s rock.

I literally picked an argument with my partner so I could have an excuse to push him away because I felt myself breaking and unable to stop it. There is no set way to respond to abuse. When I see Wade now versus when his first disclosures I took strength in the fact that you can get stronger.

All survivors are different and although you didn’t sense trauma from Wade, I did and it some ways I relate to him more than James. I felt James’ pain but I can’t imagine myself allowing myself to be that vulnerable....I do admire him for it.

/r/LeavingNeverland Thread Parent