Anyone not investing into markets and sticking with GICs?

While I agree that discipline is important and most of the time it makes sense to just keep doing what you are doing and ignore the noise, it is silly to ignore extreme changes in the macro landscape and the prices of assets in which you can invest. It's like saying you won't buy a government bond at 100% yield because the return will revert back to the mean at some point. Or that you should keep buying bonds at -100% yield. Or that you wouldn't buy a house for $10 because usually houses are not that cheap so its not worth your time. Like at what point do you take a minute to think about what you are doing and if it still makes sense? You probably adjust your regular grocery run based on the prices so why not your investments? This is the problem with traditional finance advice, it causes people to keep doing the same thing regardless of the price and ignoring the risks no matter how illogical it may seem and so you have all these sheep jumping off bridges because everyone else is doing it and you should "stick to your plan". The price matters, remember that.

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