Has anyone painstakingly improved their fitness/physique and *not* noticed an increase in attention from the opposite sex?

Gay man's perspective here:

First, I'm just an average looking guy, but before coming out, I used to get attention from women. In high school, it was awful... It got so bad it happened quite a few times where girls threatened to commit suicide (oh teenage drama) after repeatedly saying no to their advances. On my first day at a new school, I had one of the more developed cheerleader girls walk up to me and practically shove her breasts in my face, literally asking me what I thought of them. Anyway I'm still gold star.. But don't get much attention anymore in part because I don't really pay attention to women anymore...

My point being, if I had to compare how I was before and how I am now, it's that I was muuuuch more social then. I used to invite large groups of people to my house and was sort of the go to guy when people wanted to know what was happening that weekend. I spoke to girls casually, but paid attention cause I cared, but since I never wanted to get on with them, they usually felt secure around me. Girls can definitely, tell when all you want is get into their pants. Even today, I find that women are cautious when I first talk to them.. But I don't press the issue and just do my own thing (since I'm not looking for anything). Usually they figure it out on their own that I'm gay, and drop the cautiousness, but more interestingly, those that don't figure it out usually say they're disappointed when they find out.

1.) be social 2.) its not enough to just be nice, you have to pay attention to what they're saying. You actually have to care.. 3.) but be sufficiently inddeferent to make it a challenge for them as well (nobody wants somethin easy) 4.) and don't be creep / you're just looking to get laid

Or just be gay, download Grindr and get laid as much as you like. It's so much easier.. Lol.

/r/Fitness Thread Parent