Has anyone "put up with sex" for the benefit of your partner(s)?

Yes. I have. And I didn’t know it was due to asexuality, I thought it was because I was just weird and broken (childhood trauma) and it was so painful and not nice at all and he pestered literally everyday. It was long distance so he kinda expected when we were together to just do it all the time and I hated it. I absolutely hated it. When I finally started saying no he got whiny about it and tbh I should have ended it sooner but he gaslighted me because on RARE occasions maybe twice ever, my body wanted sex and so it was somewhat enjoyable although I felt like shit after and I didn’t realise back then...

Never again. Absolutely never again.

I’m so sorry your relationship turned out that way. I accepted being alone and celibate after my last relationship but I am also disabled to the point of needing a carer and being housebound now so... a lot easier to accept that.

I hope one day you find what you are looking for.

/r/asexuality Thread