Do you think anyone is really going to listen to the advice about limiting contacts over Christmas?

Here's the situation in my family:

I live with my boyfriend and his mam. Their family's plan for Christmas is to have a Christmas celebration (indoors, eating, no social distancing or masking or ventilation). The households involved are:

  • Me, my boyfriend, and his mam (who visits old/vulnerable people in their homes almost every day, "pillar of the community" type of person)
  • His dad (who runs a small farm in the next county over and sees clients daily)
  • His sister, who is taking the train down from Dublin and is a school teacher (!) there
  • A family friend, who recently lived in homeless accommodation and just got an apartment and is taking the train down from Dublin (I know for a fact he's attending house parties)
  • A random guy who's a friend of the family friend and works in a f-ing meat factory (!) but "sure he'll be alone for Christmas otherwise, can't let that happen"

I have zero say in the situation so I'm trying not to think about the potential consequences but yeah it's causing me quite a bit of stress lol. Not to mention I won't get to see my own family this Christmas because I'm not Irish and I didn't want to risk flying home (continental Europe) and exposing my own family.

Any tips are welcome.

/r/ireland Thread