Anyone want to start a kratom farm in the US?

With that in mind, the weed market is incredibly saturated, especially in states that have been legal for years now. It'd be like you trying to start your own chain fast food joint in an already heavily established area of other big chain fast food areas. They would quickly wipe you out. Now if your product is amazing then you might get somewhere. Growing weed takes a lot of knowledge and expertise...sorry, growing good weed. Not to mention the expensive permits that you must acquire to sell your product legally to established weed stores. Same goes for kratom I would assume. You'd need a lot of money to start up, you'd need to know your shit. You'd need land or a structure, (kratom doesn't just grow everywhere, it's incredibly temperamental).

I'm not saying it can't be done because it absolutely can, but it's gonna take a lot of hard work, time and dedication.

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