Has anyone successfully impressed a member of the opposite sex with revving engines or handbrake turns?

Surprisingly once yeah and it actually led to something. I was hanging with this girl who I met at a party weeks earlier and she decided to give me the time of day a week later.

So we’re heading home after a night driving are Seattle. A light rain has coated the roads with just a enough dampness that I occasionally can give it some gas for a small skrrt skrrt here and there. So naturally I turn to this girl and say:

Me, a living breathing 2014 Subaru BRZ: Hey have you ever been a car that can do donuts?

Her, a girl who has literally been hit by a car going 30mph two years ago: No... is it fun?...

Me: Wanna find out? I promise I know what I’m doing. I wouldn’t ever put you in a bad scenario if I wasn’t confident.

*Her: *Hmm... well then yeah, sure!

So then I told her to hold the passenger door grip and proceeded to show her how powerful the relatively small herd of horses under my hood was. All over this poor unsuspecting parking lot.

But little did she know, I had regularly made this parking lot my bitch for the entire time owning this car.

Well afterwords to my absolute surprise she just looked absolutely thrilled, and was locked in a full surprised pikachu face the rest of the ride home.

To which led to an absolute second surprise when we got back to my place. Because she took her surprised pikachu face straight to my dick and she spelled 2014 Subaru BRZ with her hips! (But really she probably spelled absolute gibberish. She was my type down to a T, and I was all for the unexpected hook up.)

So yeah, that’s the first and only time I ever succeeded in the long con of hitting on a girl at a party and then randomly hooking up a week later.

She was also the first girl to call me daddy during... and if that wasn’t worth buying the car alone, fuck dudes idk what is lmao

/r/cars Thread