Anyone have suggestions for an alternative but similar forum?

Walaikumassalam wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu, brother/sister.

Yes, you're correct about the fact that the position that we hold with regard to the LGBT community is clear. Regardless of what others may call us, or what others may tell us to do, it is not for us as believers that we should accept their terms, and abide by their standards, knowing full well that their ideologies are not in concurrence with the Quran and the hadiths.

As for whether or not this subreddit will be banned in the future, we can only speculate. Even if it is, it is our responsibility to find another means to give ourselves fruitful reminders, to answer the questions that our brothers and sisters may have, and to respond to the claims made by those who oppose Islam.

As for whether there are any other subreddits similar to this, I am afraid I will not be of any assistance.

/r/islam Thread