Has anyone tried LSD/DMT? If so, how has your experience affected your spiritual life?

Yes! DMT is beautiful! After I smoked it, I was in this three dimensional sacred space made of ever-changing patterns and colors. I felt like something was communicating with me. And then I realized it was God I was seeing and he wasn't communicating he was LOVING ME. And I thought "doesn't he know I am unworthy of his love?" and then the nature of God was revealed to me. He loved me because he couldn't help it, it is who he is, he is Love itself. And I started to cry because he could see all my faults and still love me of the purest love. There was nothing to do but cry and accept his love as he poured his overflowing Divine Love straight into my soul. That same love that created the universe . He told me "I love you". And it was the most profound, beautiful thing I have ever experienced. I would recommend it to anyone who is brave enough to meet the Father.

/r/Catholicism Thread