Anyone up for reviewing a plat dps vod?

Part 4: Second Checkpoint

3:00: Ham-Feeder. Killed. Next.

3:10 Is that a Winston?!: General Overview: At the point you have staggered the Mei, the Hammond. Your team is rolling in and your teammates have your back "I'm with you dude." has a nice ring to it. Nothing really wrong with dashing in at this scenario but if it was an

Isolated incident, when it was only you and a Winston, no one else dashing into a Winston is a bad idea as your retreat option is cut off (and deflect not going to do anything against a Winston). Good news is if you timed it with the fact that the Winston just used Leap to get into the Cubby hole, and the fact that you can retreat out of tat doorway and just wall climb away is an option for you.

3:15 Blade It? Blade it!: General Blade: When it comes to Blading you need to know if it's a Nano-Blade or a normal Blade. When you use your blade you are trying to tip the scale of the attack into your favour. You have already staggered 2 of their teammates(Mei Hammond) , 2 of them are here (Ana Winston) , and 2 are probably going to/are already about to meet your team (Ashe, Moira). In this place you had your whole team with you and you WILL kill these two no matter what. You were still up against a Winston and an Ana and you went in out of line of sight of your heals. The Ana nano-ed the Winston, imagine if your Zen didn't trans right there? You just bladed a 2 vs 6. Winston's value inside there was really low even if nano-ed because he is stuck in there and can only peak out.

I don't like the blade but at the same time, I do like the Blade. The reason why is the fact that there is a general way of using blade (Or nano Blade) to tilt the scale in your favour during a 6v6. Saving the blade is alot more threatening for a future problem is better than a clean up on most cases. But if you are already snowballing the kills, staggering the enemy team even more can net a better result than saving a blade for the future. The Trans wasn't the best opinion TBH, but he's out of your control.

So in the future, keep in mind the Goal of the Blade because it is one of your main win conditions. If you freely just blade whenever you see an advantage like this. When the enemy team finally groups up, you'll be wasting another 2 minutes ish trying to farm a blade when your team could have just killed these two without ults, and your blade could be up next.

3:30 - Clean up, a straight forward movement you did, went ahead, went for the kills (Ashe), didn't get a dash reset unfortunately.

3:40 Dash that Mei?- Remember what is your threat is. They have a Mei which is super hard for you to kill and you just dashed into a Mei in a confined place. Even if you had the Zen orb on you, your teammates can't back you up. If Mei wasn't low from being poked by your Zen, she could easily just froze you inside there and you have no escape option. Know went to Dash in and know when to use the Dash to come out. If for example your team was lagging behind, and you were facing the mei, if she moved more inside (not to mention the ana just came outta spawn and could heal up the mei) she would have froze and killed you, and moved forward. It was a Medium threat though since she was discorded and you were still snowballing. In this scenario, doing that has a medium risk on you.

3:50-4:00 - Meh, their team used ults, killed your team. If your Zen had Trans there, would have saved the day, but what can you do.

4:10 - Feeding Monkey

4:15 Window? Or Flank?- Alittle nit-picky but wouldn't really want to enter in the window right now since they are already holding the high ground. Since they already regrouped, and what if they had an Orisa Hog/Widow at that point in time? You would have taken alot of poke damage that wouldn't have been needed to and if that TNT had hit you you would have been forced to retreat to get healed up and just slow down the pace of you actually doing something. What you accomplished by going through this window was just "I saw an Ashe" and backed up. Using the map's geography, and knowing who you killed. You killed a Winston, they have an Ashe, Ana, Mei, Hammond left. Hard to farm a blade right now, so your job to start flanking and getting into position. Either go to the top window to the left and poke from there, or start going to the right side path.

This is fine though at your Elo, nothing really wrong with this since there isn't much of a big threat to you.

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