Anyone know what's up with this?

The idea behind democracy is that everyone has the right to an opinion and a vote. The issue with this is that not everyone's vote should be equal: if we both walk into the polling station and I can't even name a candidate on the ballot and you've chaired 10 debates between the candidates our votes count the same even though we have vastly different levels of knowledge about the matter. It is everyone in a democratic society's duty to be as informed as possible on what they're voting on, but today that is entirely lost.

I'm not saying that conservatives are right in any way, but scores of liberals are refusing to even listen to any sort of right slanted news -- nor even debate or have a conversation with anyone that is conservative identifying. It's an issue on the right as well, but liberals are more vocal about it: calling conservatives nazis, deplorables, racist, etc.

The true threat to society today isn't fringe right or left wing groups that are going around spreading racist propaganda, it is people in the middle becoming less and less informed without realizing it. The bimodal political distribution is becoming worse and worse which means that political candidates actual platforms will matter less as we see the rise of identity politics and the complete destruction of moderate voters.

Lots of people don't realize how much sites like Facebook and Reddit are contributing to the problem. It's in their best interest to show you news stories that appeal to you personally, so as you click a liberal or conservative hit piece or two as it pops up in your news feed, you'll slowly start to see more and more heavier slanted stories pop up. They show you what you want to keep you there, but slowly they change what you want and everyone becomes gradually more radicalized. Mark my words: if you thought the 2016 US Presidential Election was nasty, the 2020 US Presidential Election will bawl your eyes out. The three party system in Canada keeps things more tame but we're not that far behind.

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