Anyone who doesn't think smurfing is a problem is kidding themself’s

I have two accounts, one "tryhard" main which I play hitscans/Genji/Hanzo around 3400/3500ish. And my second account I use to play with my lower ranked friends, has almost an inverted playtime chart, anchor tanks and all supports at around 2000. Majority of the time I'm on my gold account, I try to stick to a passive play/ shotcalling role, and it's actually far higher endorsed than my main despite less playtime season to season. Don't lump in all of us with alt accounts as malicious trolls, and don't blame me for your lost games when I'm actively trying to improve your games at lower ranks. It never fails to surprise me when an enemy reaper wraiths into the middle of the team, drops the most obvious ult of the month, and gets a quad kill. Stop looking for external factors to blame and improve your game, there's really nothing much separating me from the average gold mercy but I can soft-carry my teams 7 times out of 10 without ever pulling out the pistol, just from the "game-sense" and "positioning" yall are so proud of

/r/Overwatch Thread