To anyone who was extremely religious but then turned to atheism or being agnostic, what made you lose your faith and change your mind?

I still have a strong belief and faith in God and jesus. My church not so much. I attend a very conservative Unitarian church. Some of the strong beliefs we have is that we do not believe in divorce, the man is the head of the household and rules over his wife...that kind of backwards thinking crap. However it was something "expected" of our super traditional and conservative ways.

What turned me off was the change in the church's governance. I noticed we would have more offerings now for this and that, the Bible was interpreted we were never a Salt and Brimstone type of teaching, but the change in management made it so to use fear to control its followers.

Investigations were done and there was obvious corruption on where the money went, nothing was ever done to put it to justice.

My family are blind followers so as not to cause drama I still attend church. I just dont agree with their teachings and how they choose to twist both the Bible and common good morals to benefit their own. I plan to leave once the elders of the family passes away.

As far as my faith goes. I consider myself still a Christian. As said, Im a follower of Christ/God but not what so called "church" leader interpret it as.

/r/AskReddit Thread