Anything else to help boost my chances?

Look, I know this is a terrible advice. Navy only checks the background records of those who signed up for tech jobs, or any of those that need Top Secret Clearance. Navy SEAL only needs the Secret clearance, which means once you get through MEPS and pass the questionaires, you're okay. Just don't tell MEPS about your condition. Don't let them record it, and they won't find out. check the requirements yourself. where they talked about security clearance.

Most people get caught because they signed up for jobs that need top secret clearance like Cryptologic Tech or Submarines, and they got exposed after signing the contract. That's why some people tell you to lie while others tell you there's consequences.

So, keep your training, and keep your mouth shut. do some further research on Navy Seal security clearance. There's nothing wrong with lying ifyou're healthy now.

lemme know after you've read bc imma delete this comment. They downvote to oblivion those who advice to lie. That's why years ago so many people here advice you to lie, but then recently everyone tells you that you could go to jail for lying.

/r/newtothenavy Thread