Anything interesting to do on campus on Fridays?

Gotcha. Well I'm an alumni and not to pressure or try to advise you because I don't know you or your tendencies. But this is the best time for independence, freedom, free time, learning and growth.

I lived at home for 3/4 years and 1 year I lived at home. Only reason I was involved was because of a few clubs. Made some lifelong friends from it. Went to a few parties and I don't enjoy drinking but it was still fun to meet new people.

I know you mentioned you are shy before but that is something you can overcome probably if you want. Your life after this will be full of interactions with people you don't know and time will be scarce. Wether it's business transactions or buying a car. It's new people everywhere.

But I would check this out and see if you can find a club that fits your style/likes. They have a calendar of events daily too and you can search. Maybe it's video games or knitting or rock climbing.

I hope you find something that peaks your interest.

/r/USF Thread Parent