Is anything at stake in a one-day exhinition tournament?

It was fantastic. I was at first worried that the wrestlers would half-ass it, but most of them, especially the top 10-15 or so, were really going at it. Hakuho especially looked like he was there to show everyone who the boss is. He tossed Kotoshogiku like a rag doll in their match-up, and didn't take crap from anyone else. In the end it was Hakuho vs. Harumafuji, with Hakuho coming out on top in a fairly even match, though I would have been shocked if Hakuho hadn't prevailed with the way he'd been blowing up everyone else.

What was especially great about this one-day tournament is that if your favorites got through the first round, you got to see them go at it again. And the match-ups just kept getting better and better. So for instance with some like Hakuho, Harumafuji, and Kotoshogiku, you got to see them perform a few times within an hour. Definitely not your normal day at sumo.

So, comparing it to a regular tournament day, it didn't have perhaps the same level of excitement that a day late in a tourney would have when much more was on the line, but you could definitely sense that there was a lot of pride on the line at this thing, and many brought their A-game.

Other highlights were, as someone else posted in the sumo forum, some bouts from retired sumo wrestlers. That was fun to watch. The "comedy" bouts with kids was interesting because almost all the kids they brought out were white. Don't know where they came from -- maybe an international school.

The view from my seat was like this:

Anyway, great day. Would definitely go again.

/r/Sumo Thread Parent