Has anything you've taken been life-changing?

I can probably list 100 nootropics that I've tried, not to mention pharmaceuticals in general. Very few actually work for me, in a "life-changing" sense.

Also, some of you may not consider all my medications to be nootropic. But they are for me; they make my body and mind function at an elevated level, so much that I've consistently tested higher in cognitive functioning tests when using these medications, compared to when I'm not using these medications.

In order of life-changing-ness:

  • Adderall IR (Dextroamphetamine) for focus & attention - the day I first tried this was the day that I finally woke up;

  • Mitragyna Speciosa (Kratom) - Green Malay & Red Borneo - 7-hydroxymitragynine is a significant antidepressant/anxiolytic/pain killer all in one - life-changing, indeed;

  • Nuvigil (Armodafinil) for appropriate directional motivation - I'll get things done when I add this to my stack - whereas if I simply take adderall, I may sit on my ass and play video games for hours;

  • Cannabis - Vaping, not smoking. I gotta shout out to my main girl Mary Jane. She's always kept me chill where I'm otherwise a very depression-prone and high-strung individual. I also have much greater freedom of thought when I vape.

  • NA-Semax Amidate to keep my reaction time on-point, to have laser eye vision, to potentiate the dextroamphetamine, and to enhance my brain's overall capacity and junkz - I don't know how to describe this but I just seem to perform better on everything in general when on NA-Semax Amidate;

  • Tianeptine Sulfate & Bromantane are great in combination for anhedonia/GAD/depression at a 1:1 ratio (50mg each);

  • Xanax (alprazolam) - I hate to say it but there's no better anxiolytic than this, when used in less than 1mg doses - anything higher is useless to me, as it blatantly impairs cognitive functioning at that level. However in small doses, I've found it to enhance my mental functioning and center my focus. Gotta love that good old dose-response curve. There's a different dose for everyone, too, I'm sure. I just know that it increases dopaminergic activity at 0.5mg whereas it decreases such at 1mg. It also increases the availability of serotonin. Not your average benzo.

  • D-Limonene (from orange/lemon peel) - Acid reflux. Cured.

/r/Nootropics Thread