Anytime I comment on Reddit saying women do majority of child rearing and household duties regardless of their employment status, I get downvoted, and I feel validated.

I think their refusal to self-reflect and take constructive criticism is a function of their privilege. Society doesn't hold them accountable for their fair share.

... is this directed at all men?

I'm really confused here.

I have 3 step kids that I support and I pay 2x the bills.

A common argument I have in my relationship stems from a complete lack of gratitude for my contribution to the family.

I cannot imagine bringing 3 children into a relationship with a woman who contributes 2x as me and being anything besides eternally grateful.

If roles were reversed, I would probably worship the ground she walks on.

Instead, same story - she folded the laundry and I only folded the towels so I'm the worst. I barely even swept the floor enough in the half million dollar house I provide for us.

Yeah, I went into debt supporting her for a year while she had health issues - I went into debt making sure that the kids had playstations and new phones for christmas a day after she had surgery, but that doesn't matter because I didn't notice the counters were dirty and fix it quickly enough.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Parent